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Amarum is a Data DAO video project with the aim of helping creators publish exciting video datasets while getting rewarded for that. The datasets upon submission is curated and stored on filecoin SPs through data deals that are established by the DAO.

Home for video datasets...

video conferencing

Ideal Video Datasets for you

Upload videos and get rewarded? Just upload it!

Best Multimodal Activity Recognition Video Dataset

The Moments in Time Dataset is a research project dedicated to building a very large-scale dataset to help AI systems recognize and understand actions and events in videos.

Largest Human Action Video Dataset

Kinetics-700 is a large-scale video dataset that includes human-object interactions such as playing instruments, as well as human-human interactions such as shaking hands and hugging.

Best Emotion Recognition Video Dataset

The Expression in-the-Wild (ExpW) dataset aims to investigate if such fine-grained and high-level relation traits can be characterized and quantified from face images in the wild.

Best Scene Understanding Video Dataset

The ADE20K Dataset is a large-scale, semantic segmentation dataset. Every scene-centric image is exhaustively annotated, with pixel-level objects and object parts labels.

Best Pose Estimation Video Dataset

Human Pose dataset is a state-of-the-art benchmark for the evaluation of articulated human pose estimation. The images were systematically collected using an established taxonomy of everyday human activities.

Sports-1M Datasets

Large sports IM Datasets for various sport analysis. The datasets provided include the players data for the Career Mode from FIFA 15 to FIFA 22. Historical comparison between Messi and Ronaldo. Ideal budget to create a competitive team

Epic Kitchen Datasets

The largest dataset in first-person (egocentric) vision; multi-faceted non-scripted recordings in native environments - i.e. the wearers homes, capturing all daily activities in the kitchen over multiple days.

Amination Datasets

Thanks to this ability to “create whatever you can conceive”, animation is the perfect video style or explaining difficult or complicated concepts in an easy and digestible way – meaning it goes beyond marketing and into the realm of educational videos.

Product features

Ultimate features that works



you are not policed by anyone, no restrictions from government on what to store or how to use

Bolt Performance

Bolt Performance

File storage and sharing with the speed of Polygon PoS blockchain transaction.



File are secured. You dont need to be worried about security of personal details. Private mode also available.



No more centralized storage where a server houses your file. Kezayya stores your file in a decentralized manner by many nodes. if one node fails, you dont need to panic because other nodes have your file.

5 Star Rating service

5 Star Rating service

We offefr great service that is second to non. Good support system and more feature been unveiled



All data stored are entirely governed by the comminty DAO. The DAO members control the affair of this Dataset Marketplace.

Get yours question answer

Frequantly asked question

How do i start using this service?

All you need is a web3 wallet. connect your wallet and start uploading your Video files and sreaming videos. you also go live

What type of files do you support?

We support all types of Video media files. Video files of different extensions are allowed.

Do you support directory upload?

Creators can compress datasets into zip, gzip, rar formats before upload.

Is this service free?

This service is free to expore. if you want any dtaset, you have to pay to bypass the paywall to download your dataset.

Can i ever look for my file?

Decentralized files cannot be brought down or missing. You files are stored on multiples nodes servers with Filecoin Storage providers (SPs). All this servers are located in diffrent locations all over the globe. Be rest assured that your files cannot just go down.

Where can i know more about this Amarum?

We are putting up a comprehensive "Getting started documentation". mean-while engage our support team on discord and do follow us on Twitter.